Black Heart Fused Glass Pendant

Fused Glass Pendant Black Heart

I just made this fused glass pendant for a customer.  I had a red heart glass pendant on display at our booth at an Art Festival.  A lady asked me if I had a black heart glass pendant and I told her that I didn’t.  However, I told her I would make one for her, if she wanted and she said “REALLY!!”  She told me that she used to have one that her father gave her a long time ago and she had lost it.  She felt really sad about losing it, because her father had made it while serving in the military.  She wasn’t sure how he made it.  She had been looking for a replacement until she saw my red heart fused glass pendant.  Apparently, it resembled the one she lost.

I told her I was very busy with Christmas orders, so wouldn’t get to it until after New Years or so.  She said that was fine, since it was for her, anyway.  After I made one for her, I needed to glue a bail onto the fused glass pendant.  Well, the bail came off after my husband does his “test” to see if the bail is secure.  This glue wasn’t very old, so I was surprised that it didn’t work.  So, I opened a new package and glued the bail on the glass pendant, again.  This time – success!

I got an email from the lady when she got her new fused glass pendant.  She said she loved it and it was worth the wait 🙂

Christine – Glass Artist


Click here to see more of my Fused Glass Art:


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